9 Ways to Double your Twitter Followers Everyday 2019

9 Ways to Double your Twitter Followers Everyday

If you are looking to get genuine Twitter Followers and boosting your followers count then try this guide about how to work on these 9 steps for growing your Twitter followers and double the list everyday ...
Social media optimization is now taking entrepreneurs to the next levels and many of the beginners at digital marketing are gaining more and more followers on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

With lots of changes in social media network algorithms and search engines, everybody have to do something unique for gaining more exposure. At Twitter gaining a rich followers list is crucial step as almost everybody on Twitter can easily hit 100 followers in just one week of joining Twitter but after that first 100 followers it becomes harder to gain another set of 100 subscribers.

Still there are some ways to double your Twitter Followers everyday. If you are also looking to grow your following on Twitter then don't just wait for a magic to happen as it will not happen till you make some changes and do optimize your Twitter profile as it requires. So read this checklist of top 9 ways to double your Twitter Followers everyday.

9 Real Ways to Grow Twitter Followers

 If you are looking to get twitter followers fast than others and get them for free then this simple guide is for you. However! Before touching the exact ways I would love to ensure some basic things about Twitter, and that basic things/statistics/facts are:
  • Twitter is at 330 million active monthly users
  • Katy Perry is on Top of Twitter with most followers
  • Ellen Degeneres is the person who have sent a most retweeted tweet
  • Twitter didn't invented the hashtag feature
  • Over 500 millions Tweets are being sent on Twitter
  • Over 80% user of Twitter are using it on Mobile devices
These are some basic facts which you should know about Twitter and let's read how you can get more followers on your Twitter profile and impress your readers, clients and friends:

1. Complete the Profile

 In just 160 for your Twitter bio you have to give an impression of yourself and convince your profile viewer to follow you and just the Bio. You need to focus on other things like:
  • Adding a professional profile image
  • Uploading and designing a great cover photo
  • Creating a unique user name
The more you make your profile searchable the more people will look at your profile and follow you. So try to add hashtags in your profile bio like if you are an entrepreneur then you should write a bio like:
Hey, I am an #entrepreneur and working #online for years now.... etc 
I just want to show you that you can use hashtags in Twitter bios so try the trendy hashtags of your industry so it will help others find you easily.

2. Like

 After creating a complete profile at Twitter you don't have to start following people. Instead you should start liking tweets from trends of Twitter. As at the left side you can see trending topics and hashtags (if on mobile you will see them in search option) try some of the hashtags from there and like the best tweets.

After this step you will start receiving some followers and this will actually increase your chances of getting followed by many and many more relative people. Make sure you are having these tips in your mind before liking any tweet:
  • Its relevant to your niche/industry
  • You love that tweet and don't want to go without expressing your thoughts
  • Use relevant hashtags to your industry and be industry specific
  • Try to like tweets with zero likes or more than 100 likes (it makes sense)
You can also try replying to some tweets you are liking, it will increase your chances of being noticed.

3. Twitter Chats

 This may sound interesting to you as Twitter is not known for the chat-option like WhatsApp and Facebook. But still there's a unique style of Twitter for chats and that is the key to get more Twitter Followers and gain exposure for making your brand recognizable and you can also make use of social media management toolsto get more insights for your Twitter chats.

You can start a Twitter chat in:
  • Pick a topic you are expert in
  • Create a hashtag around that topic
  • Now post a weekly question to answer tweet and name it a Twitter chat
  • You can promote it to gain some initial boost
  • Reply to the Tweets which are using your hashtag and reply to retweets and comments
As our goal is to double Twitter followers everyday, you can start creating Twitter chats and keep on answering and retweeting what others say about your chat and also follow people who are professionals in your industry and interacting with your chats, so they will follow back.

4. Follow your FnF members

 After doing some of the above things you should start following your friends and family members on Twitter and ask them to follow you back. By this you will have a strong base of followers and thus new viewers of your Twitter profile will be impressed and likely every new viewer will follow you.

You can also follow your colleagues and people you know from your work and ask them to follow you too. Also make them engage with your chats and let them explore what you are doing at Twitter.

With this I suggest you to follow some news portals and government officials for getting new updates on national to international happenings and also follow big players in your industry. Like in tech industry you can follow Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and Bill Gates or other great people.

5. Tweet

 After-all, its all about Tweeting your thoughts and let the world know what you have to say about a particular thing/topic.

You should keep on tweeting a lot (at-least 5 tweets a day on different hours) and make your followers know you and keep themselves engaged with your name. In my suggestions you should do these things for tweeting to gain more followers:
  • Tweet about trendy topics with hot hashtags
  • Always use some hashtags
  • Create one poll every 2nd day
  • Use images in your tweets
People loves to watch videos on Twitter too, so try to add some videos. You should keep your Twitter profile fresh so that you will get more followers who are searching for a resource to get updates on an industry.

6. Engage your Twitter Followers

 Engaging your Twitter followers is one of the most crucial things you have to cover for gaining more followers everyday and then doubling them everyday. The question is how we can easily engage our Twitter followers and keep them in the know? and the answer is:
  • Reply to their comments/replies
  • Like their retweets
  • Reply on their retweets
  • Mention their handles/usernames in your tweets
  • Retweet what they have tweeted about you
  • Like their retweets about you
And keep on doing these things and always listen to your followers, as they will guide you to create an out-standing clash of twitter on your profile.

Tip: You should create your twitter username with having your brand in mind and your twitter username should be the same as on other networks. For checking availability can use a free Username Checker tool. 

7. Schedule your Evergreen Tweets

 If you are from an industry where you are posting evergreen content then you schedule some tweets so that they will be published when you are not at your internet access area. Even if you are not from an industry where you can post evergreen content then you can use Quotes to share on a daily basis.

You can easily create scheduled tweets with your blog content or use other tactics and put everything on autopilot for up to a whole year. Yes, you can make everything automatic using Missinglettr a social media automation platform.

I use it to share my evergreen content on my Twitter profile so that I don't have to post manually as this tool is working for me on autopilot. You can use it for free and get one free campaign every month. It will also auto create your tweets and add relative hashtags which will help you a lot in increasing your Twitter followers count.

8. Invest to Promote your Profile

 Investing real money in promoting yourself or your business at Twitter is what you have to do at a stage. If you are looking to really grow your followers list and make them have doubts about yourself that you are a professional and well mannered person then you should try Twitter ads and get more followers with branding.

You can promote your Twitter profile with other tactics like:
  • Adding it to your advertisment campaigns at other outlets like Facebook and Google Ads
  • Putting your Twitter username as Twitter.com/UmerIdrisi on your business card and other print material
  • Telling people about your Twitter profile in events and gatherings
  • Add a Twitter follow button to your blog or business website
This will boost your authenticity and people will start following as a personality or a professional who is serious with his business.

9. Hire Freelancers

 There are people we call Freelancers and I am one of them. In freelancing world everybody is an expert in his/her own verticals and if you can understand then you can hire a freelancer who is expert in social media management and optimization or social media growth hacking expert.

On platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer, Guru and others you can easily find a social media promoter or expert in just $5 to $150 who can really make it a lot more easier to get Twitter followers and keep them coming to you.

You can ask that freelancer to work on your behalf and make your profile look more professional. You can set a payroll for monthly work and let the freelancer do everything for you.

You can also collaborate with social media influencers or simply ask them to retweet your tweets for a price.

So, this was my guide on how to increase Twitter followers in just 9 steps also double them everyday. If you need more tips for twitter followers then comment below and tweet this article.