Optimize Webpage URL structure

What Is The Best Way To Optimize Webpage URLs?

 Website URL Structure is the Main Part of The SEO and it is very important for Ranking .This the main thing where we add our Target keywords but many bloggers don't thought about it.Optimizing Webpage URL is the Most Simplest and as well as Most important part that plays a very constructive role in Google Search Engines Ranking.

While we are thinking about How to Optimize Webpage URL at that moment a lots of things come to our mind , shorting the URL , Putting Keywords in URL and use of special characters.These things helps Google to show results about the content on our Website and pull traffic in it.

WebPage URL plays very critical role in Search engines Ranking.As SEO Professional we need to Think in the Depth of Ranking our Keywords in Google .The URL Structure provides informative roles and help the Search engines in understanding our Website content and increase our website search visibilty.

So today we will discuss about Optimizing Webpage URL with different techniques for getting better results in search engines and this will Help us enhancing Google Ranking.

Here are Best 4 Latest Ways for Optimizing Webpage URLs:

1: URL Length

Undoubtedly The URL Length is the First thing that works as a backbone for ranking in search engines.However it doesn't work as game changer in google ranking race but it is very important factor and plays critical role.Optimizing URL length is very essential.

Not to say that those website which have long URL's didn't rank well.This may extremely take down the content.Moreover in average statics, the Dominating Search just give importance whose URL is between the 35 to 40 characters.

This is just not that ,Although the URL Length is very important and major contributor for getting the Direct traffic from search engines.In simple words you can say that those people who comes into your web by typing the URL of your content into their browser , in that case the Shorter the URL of your WebPage , The easy to remember by users and ease to access.


Sometimes URL's contain a lots of sub-directories/sub-folders.This may consists of Some Pages like 2015/ and 08/.It has no problem that having these kind of URL's or you may also contain as largest as you want.
There is no any Kind of co-relation between These categories of URL's it depend on you How much you want , but there are just few things to remember for search engine ranking while Having a number sub-directories.

If we think as the User-Friendliness point of view , then it may considered a good practicing part for keeping it as simple as you can.These things counts as major sources for direct traffic.in addition ,a good advice it that try to manage URLs and keep Numbers out  from the URLs , this may give a ease to users for reading the words without having any trouble.

if you are running a blog so i suggest you to use your WebPage Directories URL with dated  eg. our-site.com/2015/06/ourpage.html ,or use a category for URL eg. oue-site.com/my-tips/ourpage.html. You can use any method it depend on you.


Putting Keywords inside your Domain and inside the URL is declining Fact in search engine ranking.It is making less importance in Search engines Ranking as Google is establishing more new emphasis for ranking purpose.When you create your Domain URL don't try to add any rich keywords inside your domain name, this kind of stuff doesn't make any sense in Keywords and it Doesn't seems anymore friendly for search engines ranking.

4:Special Characters

While creating URL of your blog Posts do not use any kind of special characters between the URL like , &, %, $ and @. In these kind of cases it is very difficult for search engines to crawls these websites if a site contain a number of these kind of special characters.

A Google fact clear this aspect that you should only use dashes over the underscores as it also affects to read your keywords in search engines.